Director: New Holland: resigned and


Director: New Holland: resigned and

The general director of the St. Petersburg art space “New Holland” Roxana Shatunovskaya left her position, which she held for 13 years, after her husband Nikolai Konashenko’s statements about the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall.

Konashenok published two posts on his personal Facebook page on March 24. In the first he wrote : “Why Crocus, and not the Kremlin?”, in the second - “Picnic is a monstrous group, but still a little small, what a team concert Brat-2 would be” (spelling preserved. - Note by “Jellyfish”) .

As “Caution News” writes , Konashenko’s acquaintances noted that he always “led social networks in a shocking manner,” trying to attract attention to himself, and did not write about it seriously. He later deleted his messages, but by that time pro-government and propaganda Telegram channels had noticed them. In their reposts, they indicated that Konashenok is the husband of the director of “New Holland” and claimed that he was allegedly also related to the work of the art space.

Against the background of the scandal that had begun, Shatunovskaya wrote on Instagram on the afternoon of March 25 that she was leaving the post of general director of New Holland. She noted that Konashenok never worked in the project.

By mutual agreement between me and my management, we came to the decision that I can no longer hold my position and perform my duties due to the fact that a member of my family allowed himself monstrous statements incompatible with humanity.

Shatunovskaya emphasized that she “does not support or condemn” what her husband said and with all her heart sympathizes with the victims of the terrorist attack, but “stays with her family.”

Konashenok himself was detained on the evening of March 25 at Pulkovo airport, from where he was planning to fly to Yerevan.

The press service of the St. Petersburg Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that the detainee’s posts contained “statements with signs of extremism,” and the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided. Police also released a video of the man apologizing to the camera. “I offer my deepest apologies, I do not support terrorism. A monstrous crime has been committed, for which we all mourn,” Konashenok said.


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